61 Unisex Breton and Celtic names

Find out which Breton, Gallois, and Celtic gender-neutral names are still popular in use today in Brittany, France.
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If you are looking for gender-neutral names, you will enjoy this list of Celtic names from Brittany. They are quite different from typical French unisex names since Bretagne used to be an independent duchy in France, and has long been steeped in Gaulois and Celtic tradition.

Breton is a member of the same family of Celtic languages as Welsh, Cornish, Irish, and Gaelic, and its roots run deep in the region. Many traditional names from the area are the same, having greatly influenced each other. There are often variations in spelling however, even within the same tribe or family, because stories and histories were passed on orally and not written down.

One example is the popular Celtic name “Elouan”, meaning “light”. It is quite gender-neutral and has variations like “Louan” for boys and “Louane” for girls. Other popular names like “Titouan”, meaning “priceless”, can work for male or female, with an “e” added at the end or just as is.

So with that, let’s get to the best unisex Breton and Celtic names, shall we? Allons-y!

  1. Ael – meaning “messenger”, variation of “Ange”.
  2. Aiwen – meaning “wellborn”.
  3. Alaric – meaning “all”, “king” and “mighty”.
  4. Aman – meaning “affection”.
  5. Aouregan – meaning From ‘aour’ which means “gold” and from “gen” which means “noble birth”.
  6. Avel – meaning “breath” and “air”.
  7. Awen – meaning “wellborn”.
  8. Ballay – old trade name designating the “broom merchant”.
  9. Beuzi – a surname from Finistere, an area in Brittany.
  10. Biavili – named after Saint Biavili.
  11. Bili – meaning “resolute protector”.
  12. Chil – meaning “shield”.
  13. Dahud – meaning “good magic”.
  14. Devrig – meaning “small stream”.
  15. Efflam – meaning “radiant”, “shining”.
  16. Eginer – meaning “well born”.
  17. Elouan – meaning “light”.
  18. Elven – meaning “light”.
  19. Emilian, Emilion – meaning “emulates”.
  20. Enor – meaning “radiance”.
  21. Eodez – meaning “ancient”.
  22. Erell – meaning “point”, “extremity”.
  23. Erwan – meaning “dragon”.
  24. Euriell – meaning “God is light”.
  25. Fragan – meaning “free”. Variation to the traditionally French “François/Françoise” and the Provencal female name “Franceso”.
  26. Goulwen – meaning “prayer”.
  27. Guenole, Guennole – meaning “brave”.
  28. Gweltaz – meaning “hair”.
  29. Gwen – meaning “white” and “pure”.
  30. Gwennole, Gwenole – meaning “brave”.
  31. Gwinien – meaning “protector”.
  32. Hiler – meaning “joyful”.
  33. Jili, Jil – meaning “shield”.
  34. Kaelig – meaning “generous lord”.
  35. Konogan – meaning “white”.
  36. Louan, Louane – meaning “light”.
  37. Maël – meaning “leader” or “prince”.
  38. Mari – meaning “sea”, or “the one who foresees”.
  39. Meriadeg – meaning “front”.
  40. Merwen – meaning “rock” or “quartz”.
  41. Morvan – variation of a Provençale male name “Maurius”, which means “sea”.
  42. Nerin – named after Saint Nerin.
  43. Neven – meaning “sky”.
  44. Nolwenn – meaning “white sun”.
  45. Onenn – from the Celtic word “onn”, meaning “ash tree”.
  46. Pever – meaning “little stone”, a variation on the French male name “Pierre”.
  47. Radian – meaning “radiant”.
  48. Roparzh – meaning “glory”.
  49. Sadornin – Breton form of “Saturnin”.
  50. Salaun – meaning “peace”.
  51. Segal – meaning “treasure”.
  52. Seni – meaning “brilliant”.
  53. Sève, Sev – name of an old Germanic tribe.
  54. Tangi – meaning “dog” or “warrior of fire”.
  55. Taran – meaning “thunder”.
  56. Tenenan – meaning “feeds on flowers”.
  57. Tiernvael – after Saint Tiernvael, bishop of Dol.
  58. Tifenn – meaning “light”.
  59. Titouan – meaning “priceless”, “valuable”.
  60. Tristan, Trystan – meaning “revolt”, “uproar”.
  61. Tudal – meaning “people”, “value”.

If you enjoyed that article, you may like to read about unisex French names here. A bientôt!

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